It was an announcement that caught a lot of people off guard, the Canadian Elite Basketball League is coming to Edmonton. It was announced in November that Pro Basketball and the Edmonton Stingers would be coming to Edmonton's Northlands Expo Centre starting May 10th, 2019. Then came the announcement of Kail Schofield (Some will remember him as the announcer for the former Edmonton NLL Lacrosse team, the Edmonton Rush) becoming Director of Business operations.
What stands out is the team is looking to make the game an entertainment package as well as a sports event, with the Ticket prices starting at 20.00 bucks a game for season tickets at 199.99 per seat for the season. Definitely priced for everyone. Single games will be slightly higher. This will be a high energy extravaganza, with a little Raptors energy, community events and fan involvement for a real entertainment experience.
The league has put some big names in place for its operations and management for example Western League Operations President and COO Lee Genier, former president of the NLL Saskatchewan Rush, as well as 19 years as Senior Vice President, Business Operations with the Calgary Stampeders, where the team earned 3 grey cup rings. In 2010 he joined the board of Bobsleigh Canada Skeleton where in 2014 the organization brought home a gold medal from Russia. These types of credentials show the type of professional leadership the league is bringing on board to ensure its success.
Edmonton joins 2 other western division teams Fraser Valley Bandits and the Saskatachewan Rattlers, as well as 3 eastern division teams, Niagara River Lions, the Guelph Nighthawks and the Hamilton Honeybadgers. Already having partnerships with Spalding, New Era, Ticketmaster, the CEBL annoucned having partnered with basketball Canada becoming the national organizing body's official First Division pro league, putting the CEBL on the international landscape as well.
There are a lot of reasons this is a win-win for the league and Basketball Canada, First the league will be playing FIBA rules, and the league will be using Basketball Canada trained referees and officials, there will be mandatory Canadian content as well as a draft to occur in the spring of 2019.
The league is hoping to expand to include teams in every province. With the ties to Basketball Canada and the major partners, Basketball fans are in for a competitive season and maybe a few rivalries along the way.
Apparently Saskatoon has already set its sight on a rivalry with Edmonton! Will we see the billboards in each of the cities showing up before the games to rile up the crowds like in the CFL. It will be great to see pro basketball hit the Courts this May.
Tickets are now on sale for season tickets and group events. Seat map
Edmonton Stingers
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Canadian Elite Basketball League
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Love it! Thank you for the writeup and exposure. We're excited to get started on May 10!
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