Edmonton Happenings

A whole new view of Edmonton

Nice Horse gets Rowdy at Cook County Saloon

They have been described as the girl version of Zac Brown, but in skirts and I would say they are one of the best new sounds in Canadian Country Music.  It's not too often you come across an all girl group that from the moment you hear them, you know they are going somewhere. Sure enough, right after their performance at Cook County Saloon to kick Rodeo week off in Edmonton, they found out they had placed in the Top 3 of the Project Wild - Country Artist Development competition.

 Nice Horse started in a garage only 2 years ago and now are on the radar of country music lovers across the country.   Having just come off their radio tour of Ontario and Western Canada, promoting their new album, "There Goes the Neighbourhood", these Alberta natives Kaley, Katie, Brandi and Krista are out to turn the stables on what is known the boys club in country music.  From the first single "Pony Up" to their new feminist anthem “Mansplainin’” these 4 song writer/artists are embarking on a new country world and they are taking no prisoners.

Their shows are fun,  energetic, hopping and competitive affairs.  When front lady Katie introduces the band, you know they are a fun bunch of girls who like to pull a few pranks along the way and apparently have stories to go along with it.  If you haven't seen these amazing artist you have to get out and check 'em out, as the horse has left the stable and they are ripping up the field up and tearing up the turf as they take stride in overrunning Canada with their Kick Up Sassy Country Style.

 Just Remember not only Rocker Girls just want to have fun, Nice Horse Girls Just want to have fun, and want you to have fun too.

Nice Horse - http://www.nicehorsemusic.com/  Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/nicehorsemusic/
 Buy their new album - Itunes https://itunes.apple.com/ca/album/there-goes-the-neighbourhood/id1273876887?app=itunes
Listen on Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/album/5OHNu3LZrSXIlMRaBwJ8Hm or \
apple music - https://itunes.apple.com/ca/album/there-goes-the-neighbourhood/id1273876887?app=music

Project Wilde - Web http://projectwildcountry.com/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/projectwildab/ 

Cook County Saloon - Web https://www.cookcountysaloon.com/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/CookCountySaloon/


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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada