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Jim Steranko - Edmonton Comic and Entertainment Expo 2017 |
It is not often that someone comes along in your lifetime, who has the ability to become "The Story Teller", Through images and words, Jim Steranko has changed the way comic books are designed and created over the last 50 plus years. This influence has carried over into TV and Film. The stories about how he got here, are a big part of Jim's persona. When you are in his presence, you get the feeling that you are experiencing the story along with him.
This year's Edmonton Comic and Entertainment Expo at the Northland's Expo Centre, gave that very opportunity to expo goers. Never to be one to give up, I asked for permission to get a photo of Jim with some of his art. Jim was in the middle of telling a story about the creation of a particular piece and how it came to be. Anyone who has heard some of his stories knows details are the best part and there are a lot of them. As I waited, I watched as Jim spun the details into a story, as if it were something new, instead of something that he experienced. He wanted you to experience it as well.
After he finished speaking to a couple of gentlemen at his booth on artists row, Mr. Steranko, came over, and apologized for having me wait, while he was speaking with some of his fans. I had no problem waiting. It is an unusual feeling that although time is passing, when you are listening to his stories, time appears to stand still. He asked me to make sure I made him look like Brad Pitt, but honestly, he looks great just the way he is. I felt honored that he allowed me even just a few minutes to be able to capture, what I believe to be, an image that shows him as the person Jim Steranko. As that is who he his, a person, although with a great history in the comic book industry, and some amazing stories to tell, he is still an honest and hardworking individual, even at almost 79.
Shortly, after being able to get the photograph, I also had the opportunity to attend one of his panels. This is where you truly get to understand his background, born in Pennsylvania in 1938, Jim was always interested in art, but there were a few sidetracks that occurred along the way to New York.
He practiced magic and illusions, he trained as a boxer to ward off bullies in Junior High and later fencing. But then things appeared to have taken a turn for the worse, and he got mixed up on the wrong side of the law. Now anyone who has seen Jim Steranko would think "I know where this is going", he has that refined silver look of the thirties. Nothing could be further from the truth. He would eventually form a rock band in the mid fifties called the Lancers (which may be a little foreshadowing to an event, that would happen further in his career, involving the 1930's The Shadow Books) and would get the opportunity to perform with a local artist Bill Hailey and the Comets.
But it would still be a couple of years before Jim would cause a "FURY" in the world of superhero comics. This was one of the stories that Jim portrayed to the panel audience, moderated by author-historian J. David Spurlock.
Now it is a fairly long story but the details are just as important as the story itself. It also depicts the type of person Jim is. Although he started creating comics in 1957 it would be a few years later when the details of this story occur. Jim had created a comic "Super Agent X", he had created 20 pages, of the comic and had approached DC comics, was advised they had no room for the new characters but to create a book of 52 pages and to come back in 2 weeks, so off he went knowing he wanted this Agent X published, so down to the Paramount building and again was told that they had no room for Super Agent X in their lineup, but by now getting close to the end of the day, Jim headed off to Marvel Comics, went up to the top floor (it was almost 5 in the evening) and demanded to see Stan Lee. The famous Marvel receptionist, and recently departed 'fabulous' Flo Steinberg responded "He Doesn't see anyone", to which Jim responded "Give him this, he'll see me", the receptionist took the book and later returned stating " Mr Lee will see you". Now here is Jim in front of Stan Lee, and Stan is looking at Jim's book, shaking his head, then Stan looks up and says "I don't have any room for any other characters", pointing to the wall of comics Marvel has and Jim was about to leave. Stan looks up and says "but I can't let you leave because you are just going to go to my competition and I can't have you as my competition." Pointing to the wall Stan says pick one, and so Jim's career at Marvel is about to begin under "S.H.I.E.L.D" banner. Jim could have chosen anyone of the comics on the wall, but some of those comics would have been suicide for his career.
But later, Stan sent Jim off to the Editor, telling Jim "this is the last time you will see me for a while" who looks at the pages and is shaking his head, Jim asks what is wrong, the editor replies "I don't like her nose." Now Jim watched a lot of movies and TV and most of his character designs were based on those people he saw on TV and in the movies, in particular, this character was based on Kim Novak. As Jim says "How could you not like Kim Novak's nose."
Over the years, Jim penciled and inked various Nick Fury and the Agents of Shield comics, and semi novels as well as a part in some of the biggest comics in the Marvel Arsenal, including X-Men, Captain America, . Jim would also move into painting and developed a half dozen original pieces, one a fantasy piece that was purchased by Howard Winters at Lancer Books, that would lead him to DC Comics, and Pyramid Books and the reissues of the 1930's book series the Shadow. When DC attained the Shadow for it's comic book line, of course, it was obvious that Jim Steranko should be involved. DC, however, eventually went with someone else. But his only DC work would appear in Superman #400 in 1984.
He still was not stopping and moved to TV and Film, from a concept artist in Steven Spielberg's "Raider's of the lost Ark" and Production design and character design on "Indiana Jones". Jim was also Project Conceptualist on Francis Ford Coppola's, "Bram Stoker's Dracula" and one of the few ties with DC an Episode of DC Comics Justice League Unlimited cartoon series.
With his work having been displayed around the world in over 160 different locations. His art has been put on display at the Louvre in France, The Winnipeg Art Gallery and The Sydney Opera House. Jim says he now has a list of new projects he wants to work on, and knowing his work ethics, he will be working on them soon.
There is always one thing though and that goes back to his first visit to Stan's office, why he picked Nick Fury? If you were to ask me Nick was Jim and Jim was Nick. You can almost see Jim playing the character. The character is that debonair, sharp dressed and doesn't give up guy. Does that sound like someone else on this page.
Jim Steranko, undeniably is the man with all the stories, and the face behind the art that changed comic books forever.
Edmonton Comic and Entertainment Expo in it's 6th year brings together the Cosplay and collectors of the genre for a weekend of panels displays and shopping, Last year over 50,000 people attended